About the Green Pond Rural Alliance
Our mission is to preserve the rural and agricultural nature of the Greater Green Pond Community located in southern Spartanburg County, SC and we are working to:
Preserve rural land
Protect the health of the many streams, ponds and springs within the Green Pond Community
Maintain and increase the diversity and health of the wild plants and animals within the community
Distribute information to the greater Green Pond community regarding proposed community development, infrastructure and legislative changes, air and water safety findings, and best farming practices for the community’s climate
We hope you’ll join us as we work to
preserve rural life!
Become a Member by clicking here. There is no fee, and it takes less than 3 minutes.
We are registered as a charitable organization in South Carolina and are awaiting IRS determination as a 501(c) (3) organization.

We want our children to live healthy, rural lives!
Current Priorities
Rural preservation is possible only if we each take some time to focus and do our part. As we move into 2024, GPRA will continue to inform and educate community members about how we can personally work to preserve Greater Green Pond’s rural and agricultural setting.
During our first 12 months of operation, we have focused on educating community residents and landowners about topics of community interest:
County zoning, city annexations, and infrastructure projects that can impact rural preservation
Various legal vehicles to protect and preserve rural and agricultural land
Wildlife habitats
Community history and landmarks
Based on community feedback, we will continue to prioritize these topics in 2024.

Join GPRA Members for Fun and Learning
We will be organizing and providing regular educational events—some live, some live-streamed and recorded. Please send suggested topics and resources to info@GreenpondRuralAlliance.org